Don’t Die Now

Snap out of it!

Don’t die now.

Don’t die at a time
when your loved ones
won’t be afforded the luxury
of mourning your departure.

Don’t die at a time
when no one
can attend your funeral.

Certainly, the wind
is picking up
on our house of cards

So don’t die now.

Don’t die at a time
when no one
would be around
to hear your last words.

Don’t die at a time
when none of your family

Or your loved ones
would be chanced
to hold your hands.

So don’t die now
when your practical actions
could help prevent other deaths.

how long could this go?

Snap out of it.

For you’ve got
more forward
on this spec of cosmos – called earth

Than you’ve
crossed backward.

Do your part.

Help others
in a smart way.

Take needful

Stay safe.
Stay alive.
Stay strategically woke ✌🏼

_ _

Don’t Die Now

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Author’s Contact: tosin (at) myplacestory (dot) com

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