The Next Time You…

The next time
you decline the joy of a dance
because you’re concerned
you’d look ridiculous

Or the next time
you refuse to sing
the song lingering in your heart

because you’ve somewhat
convinced yourself
that your voice
isn’t melodious enough

Or the next time
you forgo a new
promising adventure
just because you’re not
entirely ready or certain
of what lies ahead

Or the next time
you deliberately
dim your shine

Or the next time
you deliberately
or unintentionally sabotage
yourself in your moment

Or hold yourself a prisoner
in the imposter jail of self-doubt
because you feel you aren’t qualified
for what you’ve proclaimed

And when that next time comes
just remember the birds
remember the butterflies
remember the dogs
and remember the moon,
in the celestial skies

Who sings,
bark, beautify, and dance
because that’s how they’ve got
to share themselves with the world

And just like the moon
that does not only shine
its light when it’s ready

But shows up
with whatever speck of lighting
it has got from the sun
and transmits in reflection
to still light up an entire night sky

So when your
next time comes,
Decide that you are
sufficient enough
for such moment

Show up for yourself
Sing your song
Do your dance
Radiate your shine

Share yourself with your world
because it needs you
in your natural glory
and your entirety
as you are in this moment.

The Next Time You…

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Tosin Adebayo
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