The Doors Were Closed, but the Wheels Are Turning

Can I be clear?

I took the bait
because of what I knew

Poked by the usual

Got accepted
by the familiar

Fueled by the easy

I shushed
my resourcefulness

my metamorphosis

Yet I cannot explain

And since
I couldn’t hit the cord
I struck the blues

At least
I felt the warmth

But not the heat

What have I done to myself?
I asked

For whom
the bell tolls

A pressing
engagement awaits

With this acknowledgment
I crawled
within myself

Went upstairs
in search
of my drowned ingenuity

And with a little
spark of madness

I got the clues
but not the deal

The doors
were closed
but the wheels
are turning

The windows
were closed
but the curtains
were down

The sceneries
were beautiful

But in here,
I’ve trapped myself
it seems

by the outcome

I slouched
on the floor wearily

Yet my head
leaned forward in hope

with the weights
of conventionality

My legs
skipped the dance

Yet my chest
pumped outwardly
for an awakening

I couldn’t
see the tracks
from there to here

So my eyes looked

Yet I saw the stars

And there I see

My loosely
jangling resourcefulness
beckoning at me

with the rush
of a man on fire

I smashed
the windows

Broke my pattern

Lubricated the wheels

Reset the gears in turn
jumped the trails

I stomped out
of the locomotive ride

Ended my nostalgia drama

Traded my seat
for the gusto

my unorthodox self
for this plight

And even
with a broken face
I kissed the sunshine

Radiated the rays
towards my fellows

And even with my
weary demeanor

I hugged the rain
Sprinkled my expanse
with the water

And touched others
through my being

You see,
now, I can tell
Now, I can be clear

It’s not just a living anymore

is a run
A run on discovery miles

For it’s the run
towards resourcefulness
It’s the run of being

For my wheels are turning now

__ __

The Doors Were Closed, but the Wheels Are Turning

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Author’s Contact: tosin (at) myplacestory (dot) com

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