Take the Initiative! What’s your Excuse?

Why haven’t you taken the initiative to act upon those worthwhile ideas? 

To make life count and to live happily, you’ve got no time thinking about what everyone thinks about you 

Do you give much thought and attention to “what everyone would say or think about you” should you act on your initiatives…?

And as a result, you haven’t taken any major steps towards the implementation of your initiative to act…

…you’ve risked little to nothing in doing the worthwhile thing…

…played by other people’s circumstantial rules?

Seriously, why have you allowed everyone’s shitty talks and opinions shape your life indirectly by giving yourself a ground of reasoning on their thoughts…

…or attributed much power to them than they really have?

Tell me, has it been worth it – allowing your presumptuous imagination of ” what everyone would think” set a boundary and limit on your real self?

Living in such a mental state way will eventually sink you if you don’t break free of the shackles

Believe it or not, people who want everyone around them to like them or “think in agreement” or applaud them for their endeavors are neither purpose-driven nor impactful in the long-run of things

And sadly enough, they are rarely applauded by the people they’re trying to impress or please

Listen and let this sink

Study any or some of the greats in history, the heroes, the innovators, the icons, revolutionaries, front-players in business, in nationhood, in sports, in family fronts, in science and the people you admire…

…or whatever area you might consider, there is something in common across these set of people. 

In addition to their goals, skills, perseverance in pursuit…and, etc

…they paid little attention to external judgmental considerations and did take the initiative in relation to their areas.

They seemed to be much driven in their worthwhile endeavors that they’ve drown-out the negative voices and circumstantial protocol of people.

You see my dear, you will work on yourself, challenge yourself, become more creative, and explore various ways to make your dreams come true…

…and make the world a better place when you stop giving too much damn attention to what everyone thinks about you in the pursuit of your worthwhile goals.

And, of course, they will laugh and poke jokes at your failures and setbacks

They might even corroborate your cases of failures with their initial opinions, and other similar issues or historical case studies of your failings…

OK, tell me of any great person, or someone you admire as it relates to your sphere of ambition or pursuit…

…who haven’t had their struggles, doubters and had people laughed at them in the pursuit of their dreams and worthwhile goals? 

Think about it and tell me…

I bet if you think deeply, you’ll hardly find one who hasn’t had his/her struggles unless you don’t know their early beginnings.

Yes, we are human and we’ve got emotions, but don’t let that keep you down

Yes, bad things happen to good people, and so what?! 

Get up, flush the shit off,

Build a bridge and get over it! 

Choose not to stay down or submit to defeat and quit.

If you are sick of settling for mediocrity? 

Then stop complaining!

Stop the pity party and whining! 

Get off your butt and do something!

Sharpen your skill-sets, develop your mind, and strengthen your inner self

Surrounding yourself with winners that will challenge you and keep you in the game.

Albeit, If all you want is to get everyone’s goodwill and friendly remarks before embarking on your initiative, you might be disappointed

You’ve just got to work through the seeming confusion and uncertainty by taking the needful action step-by-step. 

So, step-down the “what everyone thinks about you” phenomenon and take the initiative on what’s at hand.

And of a truth, we’ve got one shot at life than to keep wasting time and mental energy on “what everyone thinks about you”

Or…blah blah excuse for not moving forward or not to take the initiative for acting in the line of our goals and dreams

Moreover, whatever the outcome of your present or future pursuit might be….

, smile, and take the initiative, knowing that you went after it with everything you’ve got and with every squeeze of it in every possible way.

Now, what are you going to do?

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Take the Initiative! What’s your Excuse?

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